Round Table
All recordings are available on-demand on our YouTube channel.
Round table
Invited Speakers
Jeannette Bohg
Stanford University, USA
Real2sim for Deformable Objects
Yiannis Karayiannidis
Lund University, Sweden
Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects From simulation to real world experiments
Xiang Li
Tsinghua University, China
Global Model Learning for Large Deformation Control of Elastic Deformable Linear Objects An Efficient and Adaptive Approach
Doganay Sirintuna
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
Human Robot Collaborative Carrying of Deformable Objects
Miguel Aranda
Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Shape control tasks in deformable object manipulation
Adrien Escande
Japanese-French Joint Robotic Laboratory (JRL), Tsukuba, Japan
Belt manipulation in an industrial scenario
Daniele Meli
University of Verona, Italy
Soft tissue manipulation in robotic surgery
Cosimo Della Santina
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, and German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Can model-based control of soft robots help with manipulation of deformable objects
Contributed Papers
Xu Chen
Imperial College London - UK
Kinematics Characterization of a Origami Inspired Parallel Manipulator for pCLE
Juliette Drupt
Université de Toulon - France
Validity of the catenary model for moving submarine cables with negative buoyancy
Kevin Galassi
University of Bologna - Italy
A Study of Wiring Harness Topology Perception and Cost Aware Manipulation
Zeyu Lu
National University of Singapore - Singapore
GTac Gripper A Reconfigurable Under Actuated four Fingered Robotic Gripper With Tactile Sensing
Shang Ma
University of California, Berkeley - USA
Sampling based Planning for Underactuated or Deformable Systems Utilizing Contact
Angela Mazzeo
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Italy
A protocol to study the role of deformability in human manipulation when changing task accuracy
David Millard
University of Southern California - USA
Direct System Identification of Deformable Objects using Differentiable Finite Element Dynamics
Gautam Salhotra
University of Southern California - USA
Learning Deformable Object Manipulation from Expert Demonstrations
Sashank Tirumala
Carnegie Mellon University - USA
Learning to Singulate Layers of Cloth using Tactile Feedback
Yuxuan Yang
Örebro University - Sweden
Learn to Predict Posterior Probability in Particle Filtering for Tracking Deformable Linear Objects